Balanced Binary Tree

Apr 20, 2016

Balanced Binary Tree


Given a binary tree, determine if it is height-balanced.

For this problem, a height-balanced binary tree is defined as a binary tree in which the depth of the two subtrees of every node never differ by more than 1.


  • 自顶向底


      public static boolean isBalanced( TreeNode root ) {
          if( root == null ) return true;
          int leftHeight = treeHeight( root.left );
          int rightHeight = treeHeight( root.right );
          return Math.abs( leftHeight - rightHeight ) <= 1 &&
                  isBalanced( root.left ) &&
                  isBalanced( root.right );
      private static int treeHeight( TreeNode root ) {
          if( root == null ) return 0;
          return Math.max( treeHeight( root.left ), 
                           treeHeight( root.right ) ) + 1; 
  • 自底向顶


      public static boolean isBalancedDFS( TreeNode root ) {
          return height( root ) != -1;
      private static int height( TreeNode root ) {
          if( root == null ) return 0;
          int leftH = height( root.left );
          if( leftH == -1 ) return -1;
          int rightH = height( root.right );
          if( rightH == -1 ) return -1;
          if( Math.abs( leftH - rightH ) > 1 ) return -1;
          return Math.max( leftH , rightH ) + 1;


一棵平衡的二叉树, 左子树的高与右子树的高相差小于等于1, 并且左子树和右子树都是平衡树.


  • 如果二叉树是空树, 返回true
  • 如果二叉树非空
  • 比较左子树和右子树的高
  • 如果相差大于1, 返回false
  • 再检查左子树和右子树是否平衡
  • 如果任意子树不平衡, 返回false

以上解决方案可行, 但是会重复计算子树的高, 导致效率很差.

反过来思考, 只要任意子树出现不平衡, 那么其祖先也必定不平衡, 因此解决方案就变为了自底向顶.

做法是在求树高的时候顺便检查树是否平衡, 如果树非平衡, 我们返回非平衡状态-1, 如此级联形式返回, 就不会出现多余的运算检查.

时空复杂度: 时间复杂度是O(n), 空间复杂度是O(1)

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