Isomorphic Strings

Apr 13, 2016

Isomorphic Strings


Given two strings s and t, determine if they are isomorphic.

Two strings are isomorphic if the characters in s can be replaced to get t.

All occurrences of a character must be replaced with another character while preserving the order of characters. No two characters may map to the same character but a character may map to itself.

For example,

Given "egg", "add", return true.

Given "foo", "bar", return false.

Given "paper", "title", return true.


  • You may assume both s and t have the same length.



public static boolean isIsomorphic( String s, String t ) {
    int[] m1 = new int[256];
    int[] m2 = new int[256];
    for( int i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i ) {
        char a = s.charAt( i );
        char b = t.charAt( i );
        if( m1[a] != m2[b] ) return false;
        m1[a] = i + 1;
        m2[b] = i + 1;
    return true;

思考过程: 哈希表. 根据题意可以知道字符串st之间字符的对应关系是一对一的, 而且不能重复使用. 所以解决这两个问题也就解决了问题:

  • 一对一关系 : st中的字符都映射到一个值, 如果值相等则建立了一对一关系
  • 不重复使用 : 不重复使用可以借助位置变量i进行标记, 因为i是递增的

因此, 对于每一个位置, 取出两个字符串中的字符进行映射判断, 然后建立一对一关系, 代码中每一次都建立这种一对一关系, 即使覆盖了之前的关系也没有问题, 因为我们关注的是一对一关系和不重复使用.

时空复杂度: 时间复杂度是O(n), 空间复杂度是O(n)

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