Validate Binary Search Tree

Apr 20, 2016

Validate Binary Search Tree


Given a binary tree, determine if it is a valid binary search tree (BST).

Assume a BST is defined as follows:

  • The left subtree of a node contains only nodes with keys less than the node’s key.
  • The right subtree of a node contains only nodes with keys greater than the node’s key.
  • Both the left and right subtrees must also be binary search trees.


  • 递归版


      public static boolean isValidBSTRecursive( TreeNode root ) {
          if( root == null ) return true;
          // 判断左子树最大值与根节点的值
          TreeNode left = root.left;
          while( left != null && left.right != null ) left = left.right;
          if( left != null && left.val >= root.val ) return false;
          // 判断右子树最小值与根节点的值
          TreeNode right = root.right;
          while( right != null && right.left != null ) right = right.left;
          if( right != null && right.val <= root.val ) return false;
          return isValidBSTRecursive( root.left ) && isValidBSTRecursive( root.right );
  • 迭代版


      public static boolean isValidBSTIterative( TreeNode root ) {
          if( root == null ) return true;
          Stack<TreeNode> stack = new Stack<>();
          stack.push( root );
          while( !stack.isEmpty() ) {
              TreeNode node = stack.pop();
              if( node == null ) continue;
              // 判断左子树最大值与根节点的值
              TreeNode left = node.left;
              while( left != null && left.right != null ) left = left.right;
              if( left != null && left.val >= node.val ) return false;
              // 判断右子树最小值与根节点的值
              TreeNode right = node.right;
              while( right != null && right.left != null ) right = right.left;
              if( right != null && right.val <= node.val ) return false;
              stack.push( node.left );
              stack.push( node.right );
          return true;


判断一棵二叉树是否为二分查找树 :

  • 如果二叉树为空, 返回true
  • 如果二叉树不为空
  • 找到左子树的最大值进行合法性比较
  • 找到右子树的最小值进行合法性比较
  • 如果有一个不合法, 返回false
  • 判断左子树是否为二分查找树
  • 判断右子树是否为二分查找树
  • 如果左右子树存在不合法, 返回false
  • 否则二叉树就是二分查找树, 返回true


时空复杂度: 时间复杂度是O(n), 空间复杂度是O(1)

上一篇博客:Symmetric Tree
下一篇博客:Minimum Depth of Binary Tree